1 | AC | Air Conditioning | 空气调节装置 |
2 | AGO | Atmosphericgas oil | 常压瓦斯油 |
3 | AML | Approved Manufacturers' List | 批准的厂商名单 |
4 | APE | Area Project Engineer | 区域项目工程师 |
5 | AR | Atmospheric residue | 常压渣油 |
6 | ARDS | Atmospheric residue desulfurization | 常压渣油加氢脱硫 |
7 | ASME | American Society of Mechanical Engineers | 美国机械工程师协会 |
8 | BD | Business Director | 商务主任 |
9 | BD | Business Development | 市场部 |
10 | BEDD | Basic Engineering Design Data | 基础工程设计数据 |
11 | BEDP | Basic Design Engineering Package | 基础设计包 |
12 | BFW | Boiler feed water | 锅炉给水 |
13 | BL | Battery limits | 界区 |
14 | BM | Bill of Material | 材料表 |
15 | BOD | Basis of Design | 设计基础 |
16 | BOD | Biological Oxygen Demand | 化学需氧量 |
17 | BP | Boiling point | 沸点 |
18 | BS | Bright stock | 光亮油 |
19 | BSI | British Standards Institute | 英国标准协会 |
20 | BTEX | Benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, xylene | 苯,甲苯,乙苯,二甲苯 |
21 | BTU | British thermal unit | 英热单位 |
22 | BTX | Benzene, toluene, xylene | 苯,甲苯,二甲苯 |
23 | C | Construction | 施工 |
24 | CAD | Computer Aided Design | 计算机辅助设计 |
25 | CADD | Computer Aided Design and Drafting | 计算机辅助设计和绘图 |
26 | CCR | Conradson carbon residue | 康氏残炭 |
27 | CCR | Continuous Catalyst Regeneration | 催化剂连续再生 |
28 | CCR | Continuous Catalystic Reforming Unit(Platforming unit) | 连续重整装置 |
29 | CDU | Crude distillation unit | 原油蒸馏装置 |
30 | CDU&VDU | Crude Distillate Unit&Vacuum Distillate Unit | 常减压蒸馏装置 |
31 | CGO | Coker gas oil | 焦化瓦斯油 |
32 | CI | Cetane index | 十六烷指数 |
33 | CL | Center line | 中心线 |
34 | CM | Construction Manager | 施工经理 |
35 | CN | Conference Note | 会议纪要 |
36 | COD | Chemical oxygen demand | 化学需氧量 |
37 | CPDP | Chinese Preliminary Design Package | 中国初步设计包 |
38 | CPM | Critical Path Method | 关键路径法 |
39 | CR | Catalytic Reforming | 催化重整 |
40 | CS | Carbon Steel | 碳钢 |
41 | CW | Cooling Water | 冷却水 |
42 | DHT | Distillate Hydrotreating Unit(Unionfining Unit) | 柴油加氢精制装置 |
43 | ED | Extractive Distillate/Sulfolane | 芳烃抽提 |
44 | FEED | Front End Engineering Design | 前期工程设计 |
45 | GB | GUO BIAO | 国标 |
46 | GCD | Guaranteed Completion Date | 保证完成日期 |
47 | GEU | Gasoline Etherization Unit | 汽油醚化装置 |
48 | GG | Gauge glass | 玻璃液面计 |
49 | GHSV | Gaseous hourly space velocity | 气体体积空速 |
50 | GOH | Gas Oil Hydrotreating/Hydrocracking | 蜡油加氢处理/加氢裂化 |
51 | GPH | Gas phase hydrogenation | 气相加氢 |
52 | GSN | Global Supply Network | 全球供应网络 |
53 | GTG | Gas Turbine Generator | 燃气涡轮发电机 |
54 | GW | Gross weight | 毛重 |
55 | HAZID | Hazard Identification Review | 危险识别审查 |
56 | HAZOP | Hazard and Operability Study | 危险与可操作性研究 |
57 | HBP | Highly branched paraffins | 高支链烷烃 |
58 | HC | Hydrocracking | 加氢裂化 |
59 | HCCO | Heavy catalytic cycles oil | 重催化循环油 |
60 | HCGO | Heavy coker gas oil | 重焦化瓦斯油 |
61 | HCU | Hydrogenation Cracking Unit(Unicracking Unit) | 蜡油加氢裂化装置 |
62 | HDA | hydrodearomatization | 加氢脱芳烃 |
63 | HDF | hydrofinishing | 加氢后精制 |
64 | HDM | hydrodemetallization | 加氢脱金属 |
65 | HDN | hydrodenitrogenation | 加氢脱氮 |
66 | HDPE | High Density Polyethylene | 高密度聚乙烯 |
67 | HDS | hydrodesulfurization | 加氢脱硫 |
68 | HDT | hydrotreating | 加氢精制,加氢处理 |
69 | HGO | Heavy gas oil | 重瓦斯油 |
70 | HO | Home Office | 总部 |
71 | HP | High pressure | 高压 |
72 | HR | Human Resource | 人力资源 |
73 | HSFO | High sulfur fuel oil | 高硫燃料油 |
74 | HSR | Heavy straight run | 重直馏油 |
75 | HVAC | Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning | 采暖通风 |
76 | HVGO | Heavy vacuum gas oil | 减压重瓦斯油 |
77 | HVI | High viscosity index | 高粘度指数 |
78 | IBL | Inside Battery Limits (Same as ISBL) | 界区内 |
79 | IBP | Initial Boiling Point | 初馏点,初沸点 |
80 | IEC | International Electro-technical Commission | 国际电工委员会 |
81 | IFA | Issued for Approval | 用于正式批准 |
82 | IFB | Issued for Bid | 用于招标 |
83 | IFC | Issued for Construction | 用于施工 |
84 | IFD | Issued for Design | 用于设计 |
85 | IFH | Issued for HAZOP | 用于危险与可操作性研究 |
86 | IS | Information System and Technology (same as IT) | 信息系统和技术 |
87 | ISBL | Inside Battery Limits (same as IBL) | 界区内 |
88 | ISO | International Standardization Organization | 国际标准化组织 |
89 | ITB | Invitation to Bid | 邀标书 |
90 | JV | Joint Venture | 合营者 |
91 | KW | Kilo-Watt | 千瓦 |
92 | LAN | Local Area Network | 局域网 |
93 | LC | Letter of Credit | 信用证 |
94 | LCC | Life Cycle Cost | 寿命周期成本 |
95 | LCCO | Light catalytic cycle oil | 催化裂化轻循环油 |
96 | LCGO | Light coker gas oil | 焦化轻瓦斯油 |
97 | LCN | Light coker naphtha | 焦化轻汽油 |
98 | LCO | Light cycle oil | 轻循环油 |
99 | LDE | Lead Discipline Engineer | 专业负责人 |
100 | LDPE | Low Density Polyethylene | 低密度聚乙烯 |
101 | Level 1 | High Level Schedules, control documents used for control of total scope | 项目计划1 |
102 | Level 2 | Intermediate Level Schedules, control documents designed to control scope at unit, area, department, contract or discipline level | 项目计划2 |
103 | Level 3 | Detailed Schedules, control documents designed to control and report the status of individual deliverables, e.g. documents, requisitions etc. | 项目计划3 |
104 | LLDPE | Linear Low Density Polyethylene | 线性低密度聚乙烯 |
105 | LOI | Letter of Intent | 意向书 |
106 | LP | Low Pressure | 低气压 |
107 | LPG | Liquefied Petroleum Gas | 液化石油气 |
108 | LS | Low sulfur | 低硫 |
109 | LS | Lump Sum | 固定总价 |
110 | LSD | Low sulfur diesel | 低硫柴油 |
111 | LSFO | Low sulfur fuel oil | 低硫燃料油 |
112 | LSR | Light straight run | 轻直馏油 |
113 | LSTK | Lump Sum Turn Key | (一揽子价格)总承包 |
114 | LSWR | Low sulfur waxy residue | 低硫含蜡渣油 |
115 | LTFT | Low-temperature flow test | 低温流动性试验 |
116 | LTRS | Low-temperature recovery system | 低温回收系统 |
117 | LV | Low Voltage | 低(电)压 |
118 | LVGO | Light vacuum gas oil | 轻减压瓦斯油 |
119 | LVI | Low viscosity index | 低粘度指数 |
120 | LVN | Light virgin naphtha | 直馏轻石脑油馏分 |
121 | MC | Mechanical Completion | 机械竣工 |
122 | MCR | Micro carbon residue | 微残炭 |
123 | MEG | Mono Ethylene Glycol same as EG) | 乙二醇 |
124 | MFA | Multi-Facility (Purchase) Agreement | 大宗采购协议 |
125 | MHC | Mild hydrocracking | 缓和加氢裂化 |
126 | MON | Motor octane number | 马达法辛烷值 |
127 | MP | Medium pressure | 中压 |
128 | MPA | Multi Project (Purchasing) Agreement | 大宗采购协议 |
129 | MPHC | Moderate pressure hydrocracking | 中压加氢裂化 |
130 | MR | Material Requisition | 请购单 |
131 | MRP | Material Requisition (issued for Purchase) | 请购单(用于购买) |
132 | MRQ | Material Requisition (issued for Quotation) | 请购单(用于报价) |
133 | MRR | Material Receiving Report | 材料验收单 |
134 | MTO | Material Take-Off | 材料表 |
135 | MV | Medium Voltage | 中(电)压 |
136 | MW | Mega-Watt | 兆瓦 |
137 | MW | Molecular weight | 分子量 |
138 | N/A | Not applicable or Not Appropriate | 不适用的 |
139 | N/A | Not Available | 无 |
140 | NEC | National Electrical Code | 国家电气规范 |
141 | NEMA | National Electrical Manufacturers Association | 国家电气制造商协会 |
142 | NFPA | National Fire Protection Association | 全国防火协会 |
143 | NGL | Natural Gas Liquids | 天然气液体 |
144 | NHT | Naphtha Hydrotreating Unit | 石脑油加氢 |
145 | NP | Normal paraffin | 正构烷烃 |
146 | NPSH | Net positive suction head | 净吸入头 |
147 | NR | Non Reimbursable (costs) | 非实报实销 |
148 | NTP | Notice To Proceed | 开工通知书 |
149 | NTS | Not to Scale | 不按比例 |
150 | OBL | Outside Battery Limits £?same as OSBL | 界区外 |
151 | OBS | Organization Breakdown Structure | 组织分解结构 |
152 | OSBL | Outside Battery Limits (same as OBL) | 界区外 |
153 | P/L | Packing List | 装箱单 |
154 | P3 | Primavera Project Planner | 项目计划管理 |
155 | PAC | Polycyclic aromatic compound | 稠环芳烃,多环芳烃 |
156 | PAF | Personnel Authorization Form | 职员批准表 |
157 | PAG | Project Automation Group | 项目自动化团队 |
158 | PC | Personal Computer | 个人电脑 |
159 | PDA | Propane deasphalting | 丙烷脱沥青 |
160 | PDAO | Propane deasphalted oil | 丙烷脱沥青油 |
161 | PDU | Propane deasphalting unit | 丙烷脱沥青装置 |
162 | PE | Project Engineer | 项目工程师 |
163 | PE | Polyethylene | 聚乙烯 |
164 | PEFS | Process Engineering Flow Scheme (same as P | 工艺设计流程图 |
165 | PEM | Project Engineering Manager | 项目设计经理 |
166 | PET | Project Execution Team | 项目执行组 |
167 | PFD | Process Flow Diagram | 工艺流程图 |
168 | PFE | Project Field Engineer | 项目现场工程师 |
169 | PFPM | Project Field Procurement Manager | 项目现场采购经理 |
170 | PFS | Process Flow Scheme (same as PFD-Process Flow Diagram) | 工艺流程图 |
171 | PI&D | Process and instrumentation Diagram | 工艺仪表流程图 |
172 | PID | Proportional, Integral and Differential | 比例、积分加微分(控制) |
173 | PM | Project Manager | 项目经理 |
174 | PMC | Project Management Contractor | 项目管理承包商 |
175 | PMM | Project Material Manager | 项目材料经理 |
176 | PNA | Polynuclear aromatics | 稠环芳烃,多环芳烃 |
177 | PNA | Paraffin, Naphthene, Aromatic | 烷烃、环烷烃、芳烃 |
178 | PO | Procurement Order | 采购订单 |
179 | POX | Partial Oxidation | 部分氧化造气 |
180 | PP | Polypropylene | 聚丙烯 |
181 | PPM | Project Procurement Manager | 项目采购经理 |
182 | PQAM | Project Quality Assurance Manager | 项目质量保证经理 |
183 | PQCM | Project Quality Control Manager | 项目质量控制经理 |
184 | PQP | Project Quality Plan | 项目质量计划 |
185 | PR | Procedure | 程序 |
186 | PRC | People Republic of China |
187 | PRS | Power recovery system | 能量回收系统 |
188 | PRU | Propene Recovery Unit | 气体分馏装置 |
189 | PSA | Pressure swing adsorption | 变压吸附 |
190 | PSM | Project Site Manager | 项目现场经理 |
191 | PVC | Poly Vinyl Chloride | 聚氯乙烯 |
192 | PW | Paraffin wax | 石蜡 |
193 | QA | Quality Assurance | 质量保证 |
194 | QC | Quality Control | 质量控制 |
195 | QM | Quality Management | 质量管理 |
196 | RDS | Resid desulfurization | 渣油(加氢)脱硫 |
197 | RFCC | Resid FCC | 渣油催化裂化 |
198 | RFG | Reformulated gasoline | 新配方汽油 |
199 | RFSU | Ready for Start Up | 待开车 |
200 | RHC | Resid hydroconversion | 渣油加氢转化 |
201 | RHDS | Residue hydrodesulfurization | 渣油加氢脱硫 |
202 | RIS | Refinery information system | 炼油厂信息系统 |
203 | RMP | Risk management plan | 风险管理计划 |
204 | RON | Research octane number | 研究法辛烷值 |
205 | RONC | Research octane number clear | 不加铅研究法辛烷值 |
206 | ROSE | Resid oil supercritical extraction | 渣油超临界抽提 |
207 | S/C | Subcontractor | 分包商 |
208 | SCO | Synthetic crude oil | 合成原油 |
209 | SDW | Solvent dewaxing | 溶剂脱蜡 |
210 | SGC | Saturate Gas Concentration Unit | 轻烃整合装置 |
211 | SIGF | Site Integration General Facility | 全场一体化和一般设施 |
212 | SM | Styrene Monomer | 苯乙烯单体 |
213 | SOR | Start of run | 运转初期 |
214 | SR | Semi-regenerative | 半再生的 |
215 | SR | Straight run | 直馏 |
216 | SRU | Sulfur recovery unit | 硫磺回收装置 |
217 | SS | Stainless Steel | 不锈钢 |
218 | SSOT | Single stage once through | 一段一次通过加氢裂化 |
219 | STG | Steam Turbine Generator | 蒸汽发电机 |
220 | T | Terms and Conditions (e.g. of purchase) | 术语和条件(用于采购) |
221 | T | Traffic and Logistics | 交通与后勤管理 |
222 | TAN | Total acid number | 总酸值 |
223 | TBD | To be Determined | 待定 |
224 | TBN | Total base number | 总碱值 |
225 | TBS | Technical Bid Summary | 技术标概要 |
226 | TCD | Target Completion Date | 目标完成日期 |
227 | TF | Tank Farm | 罐区 |
228 | TGCU | Tail gas cleanup unit | 尾气净化装置 |
229 | TGTU | Tail gas treating unit | 尾气处理装置 |
230 | TIC | Total Installed Cost | 总体安装费用 |
231 | TS | Technical Specialist | 技术专家 |
232 | TSA | Technical Services Agreement | 技术服务协议 |
233 | UFD | Utility Flow Diagram | 公用工程流程图 |
234 | UK | United Kingdom | 英国 |
235 | ULSD | Ultra low sulfur diesel | 超低硫柴油 |
236 | UR | Unit Rate | 单价 |
237 | USA | United States of America | 美利坚合众国 |
238 | VCM/PVC | Vinyl Chloride | 氯乙烯/聚氯乙烯 |
239 | VDU | Vacuum distillation unit | 减压蒸馏装置 |
240 | VE | Value Engineering | 价值工程 |
241 | VGO | Vacuum gas oil | 减压瓦斯油 |
242 | VI | Viscosity index | 粘度指数 |
243 | VIP | Value Improvement Practices | 价值工程实践 |
244 | VL | Vendor List | 制造厂表 |
245 | VP | Vendor Print | 厂商资料 |
246 | VPMS | Vendor Print Management System | 厂商资料管理系统 |
247 | VPTL | Vendor Print Transmittal Letter | 厂商资料传送 |
248 | VR | Vacuum residue | 减压渣油 |
249 | VRDS | Vacuum residue desulfurization | 减压渣油加氢脱硫 |
250 | VTB | Vacuum tower bottoms | 减压渣油 |
251 | WAN | Wide Area Network | 广域网 |
252 | WBS | Work Breakdown Structure | 工作分解结构 |
253 | WHSV | Weight hourly space velocity | 重时空速 |
254 | WPC | World Petroleum Congress | 世界石油大会 |
255 | WT | Weight | 重量 |
256 | WWTS | Wastewater treatment system | 污水处理系统 |
257 | XHVI | Extra high viscosity index | 超高粘度指数 |